Enforce Changelog Updates
Request changes if a PR that meets specified criteria lacks an update to the project's changelog.
Configuration Description
Conditions (All must be true):
- The branch name contains the phrase
- The PR lacks changes to the docs/changelog.md file
Automation Actions:
- Apply a yellow label that says
⚠️ Missing Changelog
- Request changes and post a comment explaining why.
Review Changelog
# -*- mode: yaml -*-
version: 1.0
# Request changes for new features that lack changelog updates.
- {{ branch.name | includes(term="feature") }}
- {{ files | match(regex=r/^docs\/changelog\.md$/) | nope }}
- action: add-label@v1
label: "⚠️ Missing Changelog"
color: {{ colors.yellow }}
- action: add-comment@v1
comment: |
All new features require an update to the changelog. Please modify your PR to include any relevant changelog updates.
yellow: 'fbca04'
Special thanks to Boemo W Mmopelwa for providing this example.
Additional Resources
gitStream is a workflow automation tool that enables you to use YAML configuration files to optimize your code review process. Add context to PRs, find code experts for reviews, and automate the merge process to maximize developer productivity.
Learn More about how gitStream Works.
Related Automations:
- Flag the use of deprecated APIs, functions, or other components.
- Restrict portions of your code base to authorized teams only.
- Require changes when PRs include !important tags in CSS files
More Automations can be found on the Automation Library and Integrations pages.