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Context variables

Context variable are the inputs for the automation conditions or checks.


The icons indicate the availability status of each action.

  • Supported on GitHub
  • Supported on GitLab
  • Under development and not available yet.
  • Open beta - Under development and currently available for all



gitStream includes a collection of variables called contexts.


The following structures are used in the context objects:

Example of a context object

Partial example of a context object for a PR that changed few lines in a file:

  "branch": {
    "name": "new-feature-branch",
    "base": "main",
    "diff": {
      "size": 50,
      "files_metadata": [
          "original_file": "",
          "new_file": "",
          "deletions": 0,
          "additions": 2
    "num_of_commits": 1
  "source": {
    "diff": {
      "files": [
          "original_file": "",
          "new_file": "",
          "diff": "@@ -10,3 +10,5 @@ This project \n+\n+## Intro",
          "original_content": "This project \n",
          "new_content": "This project \n\n## Intro"
  "repo": {
    "contributors": {
      "popeye": "46",
      "olive": "6"
    "owner": "acme"
  "files": [



The branch context contains info regarding the branch changes compared to the base branch.


compared to the source context does not include actual source code.

Values Type Description
branch Map Includes the info related to the current branch String The branch author (the user that did first commit in the branch). The formatted like author in git-log, e.g. Popeye <>
branch.author_name String The branch author name
branch.author_email String The branch author email
branch.base String The main branch, main
branch.commits.messages [String] A list with all the commit messages in this branch
branch.diff.size Integer The sum of line changed: additions, edits and deletions
branch.diff.files_metadata FileMetadata List of changed files including their relative path String The current branch, feature-123-branch
branch.num_of_commits Integer The number of commits in the branch

The branch context doesn't include any source code, but only related metadata.

Example for using and to automatically approve and merge version bumps.

      - {{ | includes(term="dependabot") }}
      - {{ | includes(term="dependabot") }}
      - action: approve@v1
      - action: add-label@v1
          label: "approved-dependabot"
      - action: merge@v1
          wait_for_all_checks: true
          squash_on_merge: true


The files context doesn't include deleted file, to identify both modified and deleted files use the branch.diff.files_metadata, for example:

{{ branch.diff.files_metadata | match(attr='file', regex=r/\.md$/) | every }}


The env context allows the user to pass data from the repo that is unavailable in the other context variables. Thus, the structure of the variable is not fixed and depends on user configuration.

To configure the env variable, add the env field to gitstream's workflow job configurations on .github/workflows/gitstream.yml. For more information, visit GitHub's guide for Using secrets in GitHub Actions

examle: add secrets to the env variable
    timeout-minutes: 5
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: gitStream workflow automation
      SLACK_WEBHOOK: ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK }}

To use the context variable, access to the env variable's fields as configured in gitstream.yml

example: use slack webhook secret
      - true
      - action: send-slack-message@v1
          message: "Hello world :tada:."
          webhook_url: "{{ slack_webhook }}"

slack_webhook: {{ env.SLACK_WEBHOOK }}


The files context includes the list of changed files in the branch compared to the main branch.

Values Type Description
files [String] List of all changed files with their full path

For example, a typical files context can look like this:


Example for checking if certain changes are made:

      - {{ files | match(list=ui_templates_files) | some }}
      - action: add-reviewers@v1
          reviewers: [GitHubUser1, GitHubUser2]

  - resources/app/ui_template.yml
  - resources/app/role_template.yml
  - resources/app/account_template.yml


The pr context includes metadata related to the pull request.

Values Type Description
pr Map Includes the info related to the PR
pr.approvals [String] A list of the of reviewers that approved the PR
pr.assignees [String] A list of the people assigned to this pull request String The PR author name
pr.author_is_org_member Bool true if the PR author is a member of the organization where gitStream is installed
pr.author_teams String The teams which the PR author is member of
pr.checks [Check] List of checks, names and status
pr.comments [Comment] List of PR comments objects
pr.conflicted_files_count Integer The number files in the PR with conflicts
pr.conversations [Conversation] List of PR conversation objects, usually when reviewer have comments about the source code
pr.created_at String The date and time the PR was created
pr.description String The PR description text
pr.draft Bool true when the PR is marked as Draft/WIP
pr.labels [String] The labels that are attached to the PR
pr.number Integer The PR or MR Id number
pr.provider String The Git cloud provider name, e.g. GitHub, GitLab etc.
pr.requested_changes [String] List of users that requested changes
pr.reviewers [String] The list of reviewers set for this PR [Review] List of PR reviews, relevant in GitHub
pr.source String The branch from which the PR originates
pr.status String The PR status: open, closed and merged String The branch the PR is intended merged into
pr.title String The PR title
pr.unresolved_threads Integer The number of open review comments in the PR
pr.updated_at String The date and time the PR was last updated
pr.url String A link to the PR on

Example for checking the PR title includes a Jira ticket:

      - {{ not has.jira_ticket }}
      - action: add-label@v1
          label: "missing-ticket"
          color: 'F6443B'

  jira_ticket: {{ pr.title | includes(regex=r/^\[?\w{3,4}-\d{1,6}\]?(\s|-|_).{20,}$/) }}


The repo context includes metadata related to the repo.

Values Type Description
repo Map Includes the info related to the current repo
repo.age Integer Number of days since first commit (of any user)
repo.author_age Integer number of days since first commit to this repo
repo.blame GitBlame The percentage each user's lines in a file, the list includes all changed files in the branch. The list is sorted by the ratio field
repo.contributors Contributor List of contributors in the repo
repo.git_activity GitActivity Per file and user, the number of lines changed every week for the last 52 weeks String Repository name
repo.owner String Repository owner account name
repo.visibility String The visibility of the source branch repo. Value is one of: private, internal, or public


The source context includes a list of FileDiff objects that can be used to get insights based on code changes. The changes compared to the latest main branch.

Values Type Description
source.diff.files FileDiff List of changed files with their code changes

The source context include all code changes, it is not safe to share it with unknown services.

Check structure

  "name": String, # The check name
  "status": String, # The check status: `queued`, `in_progress`, `completed`
  "conclusion": String, # The check conclusion: `action_required`, `cancelled`, `failure` `neutral`, `success`, `skipped`, `stale`, `timed_out`

Comment structure

  "commenter": String, # The user that add the comment
  "content": String, # The comment body
  "created_at": String, # The time on which the comment was created
  "updated_at": String, # The time on which the comment was last updated

Conversation structure

  "commenter": String, # The user that add the comment
  "content": String, # The comment body
  "created_at": String, # The time on which the comment was created
  "updated_at": String, # The time on which the comment was updated
  "start_line": Integer, # The first line marked for this comment
  "end_line": Integer, # The last line marked for this comment
  "is_resolved": Boolean # `true` when marked as resolved

Contributor structure

The repo.contributors mapping includes a list of Contributor, where the user name is used as dynamic key:

  USER_NAME: Integer # Number of commits

FileDiff structure

The source.diff.files mapping includes a list of FileDiff:

  "diff": String, #  The content in diff format `+` for additions, `-` for deletions
  "new_content": String, # The new content in this branch
  "new_file": String, # The name of the file after the changes, including its path
  "original_content": String, #  The content as is in the `main` branch
  "original_file": String, #  The name of the file before the changes, including its path

FileMetadata structure

The branch.diff.files_metadata mapping includes a list of FileMetadata:

  "additions": Integer, # The number of lines edited or added to the file
  "deletions": Integer, # The number of lines removed from the file
  "file": String, # The name of the file before the changes, including its path

For example, sum additions in javascript code files:

{{ branch.diff.files_metadata | filter(attr='new_file', regex=r/\.js$|\.ts$/) | map(attr='additions') | sum }}

GitActivity structure

This structure include per changed file, for every user, the number of lines changed every week for the last 52 weeks.

  FILE_NAME: # The file name and path
    # The git user identifier (String)
    GIT_USER: {
      "week_INDEX": Integer # Number of lines changed that week
      # ... for the last 52 weeks

For example:

  "src/utils/service.js": {
    "popeye <>": {
      "week_1": 20,
      "week_2": 15,
      "week_10": 250
    "olive <>": {
      "week_1": 3,
      "week_3": 50,
      "week_52": 250
  "": {
    "popeye <>": {
      "week_2": 15,
      "week_3": 10

GitBlame structure

For each file, a list of user's blame ratio.

  FILE_NAME: # The file name and path
    # The git user identifier (String)
    GIT_USER: Integer, # Precentage 0-100, ratio of user's lines / total lines in file

For example:

  "src/utils/service.js": {
    "popeye <>": 78,
    "olive <>": 22,
  "": {
    "popeye <>": 13,
    "olive <>": 22,
    "brutus <>": 65,

Review structure

  "commenter": String, # The user that add the comment
  "content": String, # The comment body
  "created_at": String, # The time on which the comment was created
  "state": String, # Either `approved`, `changes_requested`, `commented`, `pending`, `submitted`
  "conversations": [Conversation], # Conversations that are relvant to this Review feedback