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Automation - Integrate gitStream with Golang

Approve Golang Log Output Changes

Approve changes to Golang files that only affect lines of code that invoke the logger object.

approve Golang log output

Configuration Description

Conditions (all must be true):

  • All files end in .go
  • The changes only affect lines of code that invoke the log object.

Automation Actions:

  • Apply a log-output-only label
  • Approve the PR
  • Post a comment explaining that the change only affects logging output.

Approve Golang Log Output Changes

# -*- mode: yaml -*-

  version: 1.0

    # Triggered for Golang changes that only affect the console.log() method
      - {{ files | extensions | match(term='go') | every }}
      - {{ source.diff.files | matchDiffLines(regex=r/^.*log\.Println/, ignoreWhiteSpaces=true) | every }}
      - action: add-label@v1
          label: 'log-output-only'
      - action: approve@v1
      - action: add-comment@v1
          comment: |
            This PR has been approved because it only contains changes to log output

Review Missing Golang Tests

Automatically request changes for Golang PRs that are missing tests.

Review Missing Golang Tests

Configuration Description

Conditions (all must be true):

  • The PR creates one or more new Golang files
  • The PR lacks new test files that match the name of the Golang files

Automation Actions:

  • The PR lacks new test files that match the name of the Golang files
  • Apply a red missing-tests label

Review Missing Golang Tests

# -*- mode: yaml -*-
  version: 1.0

newFiles: {{ source.diff.files | filter(attr='new_file', regex=r/^(pkg|internal)\/(?!.*\_test\.go$).*\.go$/) | filter(attr='original_file', regex=r/^$/) | map(attr='new_file') }}
newTests: {{ source.diff.files | filter(attr='new_file', regex=r/.*\_test\.go$/) | filter(attr='original_file', regex=r/^$/) | map(attr='new_file') }}

newFilesCount: {{ source.diff.files | filter(attr='new_file', regex=r/^(pkg|internal)\/(?!.*\_test\.go$).*\.go$/) | filter(attr='original_file', regex=r/^$/) | length }}
newTestsCount: {{ source.diff.files | filter(attr='new_file', regex=r/.*\_test\.go$/) | filter(attr='original_file', regex=r/^$/) | length }}

      - {{ newFilesCount != newTestsCount }}
      - action: add-label@v1
            label: "⚠️ Missing Tests"
            color: {{ }}    
      - action: request-changes@v1
          comment: |
            Some of your new Golang files are missing corresponding tests. Please ensure that all new files have a corresponding test file.

            **New Files**: {{ newFilesCount }}
            {{ newFiles }}

            **New Tests**: {{ newTestsCount }}
            {{ newTests }}
  orange: 'd93f0b'

Additional Resources

gitStream is a workflow automation tool that enables you to use YAML configuration files to optimize your code review process. Add context to PRs, find code experts for reviews, and automate the merge process to maximize developer productivity.

Learn More about how gitStream Works.

More Automations can be found on the Automation Library and Integrations pages.

Special thanks to Boemo W Mmopelwa for providing these examples.