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Filter functions

Filters can change the look and format of the source data, or even generate new data derived from the input values. What's important is that the original data is replaced by the result of transformations, and that's what ends up in rendered templates.


  • Items marked with are under development and are not available yet.
  • Items marked with are available exclusively for paid accounts. To unlock this feature, contact our sales team.


The following functions are supported in addition to the built-in functions provided by Nunjucks.

Low level functions

Function Input Args Output
Find and return the first occurrence of a regex in the input string
String regex String
Given two lists, keep only items that are in the 1st list but not in the 2nd.
[Objects] list [Objects]
Checks whether all element in the list are true
[Bool] - Bool
Reduce list of items into a list of same items that match the specified term
regex, term, list, attr [String]
Check if substring match
String regex, term, list Bool
Given two lists, keep only items that are in both lists.
[Objects] list [Objects]
Maps each object in a list into their specified attribute value
[Object] attr [Object]
Maps list of items into a list of booleans that match the specified term
regex, term, list attr [Bool]
Checks whether all element in the list are false
[Bool] - Bool
Inverse of filter, the result list contains non-matching items
regex, term, list, attr [String]
Checks whether at least one element in the list is true
[Bool] - Bool

High level functions

Function Input Args Output
Checks the list includes only images
files - Bool
Checks the list includes only images
files - Bool
Checks the list includes only tests
files - Bool
Get list of contributors based on expert reviewer model results
repo gt, lt [String]
Decode Base64 encoded string into an object
String (Base64 encoded) - Object
Encode data into Base64 encoded string
Object - String (Base64 encoded)
Estimated review time in minutes
branch - Integer
Lists all the unique file extensions
[String] - [String]
Get an object with a summary of the findings found by the Jit scan
pr - Object
Get an object with a summary of the findings found by the SonarCloud scan
pr - Object
Short markdown text explaining rankByGitBlame results
repo gt, lt [String]
Checks if its the author first commit in the repo
repo.contributors String Bool
Checks that only formatting changed
[FileDiff ] - Bool
return the enum value matches to the input key
String Enum object Object
Match every line in diff
[FileDiff ] regex, ignoreWhiteSpaces [Bool]
Get list of contributors based on git-commit activity
repo gt, lt [String]
Get list of contributors based on git-blame results
repo gt, lt [String]
Reads the contents of a file from the current branch or "cm" folder
String - The file path String (optional) - the file type. txt or json String

Named arguments

Some functions support named arguments, many of these repeat in different functions.

term - a single string, used as a substring to match with the matched item.

list - a list of strings, trying to match any of the listed substrings with the matched item.

regex - a single string, used as a regular expression with the matched item. A regular expression can be created just like JavaScript, but needs to be prefixed with r, for example, r/^foo.*/g, for more info see Nunjucks.

attr - a key in the element to use when doing the requested operation.

For example, the following expressions provide an identical result:

- {{ 'something' | includes(regex=r/^some.*/) }}
- {{ 'something' | includes(term='some') }}
- {{ 'something' | includes(list=['some']) }}



Extract the first match of the regex in the input string. If no match is found, the function returns an empty string.

Argument Usage Type Description
- Input String The string to find the match in
regex Input String Search term to match with the input string
- Output String The first substring that matches the provided regex

For example, the following line will extract the substring "hello wo" from the input

{{ "hello world" | capture(regex=r/he.+o/) }}


Given two lists, keep only items that are in the 1st list but not in the 2nd.

Argument Usage Type Description
- Input [Objects] List of objects to inspect.
list Input [Objects] List of objects to exclude.
- Output [Objects] Returns a list of objects containing items that exist in one input, but not in the other.


Checks whether all element in the list are true. In case the list of elements is empty, it will return false.

Argument Usage Type Description
- Input [Bool] List of booleans
- Output Bool Returns true when all list items are true

For example, check that all changes are in either 'src' or 'dest' directories:

{{ files | match(list=['src', 'dest']) | every }}


Creates a shallow copy of a portion of a given list, filtered down to just the elements that match the given term. You can use either a single term, regex, or a list of terms to match with.

Argument Usage Type Description
- Input [String]
The list of strings to match, or list of objects if attr is used
Input (either) String
Search term to match with the input items
attr Input (optional) String match a named attribute in the input object
- Output [String]
The list with only the matching items

Examples: Check if all changes to JavaScript files are in the tests directory:

{{ files | filter(regex=r/\.js$/) | match(regex=r/tests\//) | every }}

Check if all changes to JavaScript files are formatting:

{{ source.diff.files | filter(attr='new_file', regex=r/\.js$/) | isFormattingChange }}

Check if the PR has new Python files:

{{ branch.diff.files_metadata | filter(attr='original_file', regex=r/^$/) | filter(attr='new_file', regex=r/\.py$/) | some }}


Determines whether a string includes a certain substring. You can use either a single term, regex, or a list of terms to match with.

Argument Usage Type Description
- Input String The string you want to check for matching substrings
Input (either) String
Substring term to match
- Output Bool true if search terms matches

Check string matches either of the terms:

{{ 'something' | includes(list=['any', 'thing']) }}


Given two lists, keep only items that are in both lists.

Argument Usage Type Description
- Input [Objects] List of objects to inspect.
list Input [Objects] List of objects to check for intersection.
- Output [Objects] Returns a list of objects containing items that intersect between the two lists.


Creates a new list populated with the values of the selected attribute of every element in the input list.

Argument Usage Type Description
- Input [Object] The list of objects to map, see context for valid inputs
attr Input String Object attribute to select
- Output [Object] List of the selected object attributes

For example, the source.diff.files context holds a list of FileDiff , each has new_file attribute. You can create a list of all the new file names by mapping to the new_file attribute and then check if there are changes to any handler.js file:

{{ source.diff.files | map(attr='new_file') | match(term='handler.js') | some }}


Return true for each element in the list that match the search term.

Argument Usage Type Description
- Input [String]
The list of strings or if attr used the list of objects
Input (either) String
Search term to match
attr Input String match a named attribute in the input object
- Output [Bool] true for every matching item


Check if all code changes are in the tests directory:

{{ files | match(regex=r/tests\//) | every }}

Check if there are code changes with specific function call:

{{ source.diff.files | match(attr='diff', term='myFunction') | some }}


The inverse of every, checks whether all elements in the list are false. In case the list of elements is empty, it will return true.

Argument Usage Type Description
- Input [Bool] List of booleans
- Output Bool Returns true when all list items are false

For example, check that no changes in either 'src' or 'dest' directories:

{{ files | match(list=['src', 'dest']) | nope }}


Creates a shallow copy of a portion of a given list, filtered down to just the elements that do not match the given term. You can use either a single term, regex, or a list of terms to match with.

Argument Usage Type Description
- Input [String]
The list of strings to match, or list of objects if attr is used
Input (either) String
Search term to match with the input items
attr Input (optional) String match a named attribute in the input object
- Output [String]
The list with only the non-matching items


Check if all changes, but JavaScript files are in tests directory:

{{ files | reject(regex=r/\.js$/) | match(regex=r/tests\//') | every }}

Check if all changes except for config.json files are formatting:

{{ source.diff.files | reject(attr='new_file', regex=r/config\.json$/) | isFormattingChange }}


Checks whether any element in the list is true. In case the list of elements is empty it will return false.

Argument Usage Type Description
- Input [Bool] List of booleans
- Output Bool Returns true when any of the items is true
{{ files | match(list=['src', 'dest']) | some }}


Return true if the input list includes only documents based on file extensions.

Doc files extensions are: md, mkdown, txt, rst, adoc, except for requirements.txt.

Argument Usage Type Description
- Input files The list of changed files with their path
- Output Bool true if all file extensions are of docs
{{ files | allDocs }}

In case you want to exclude more files, like all txt under the requirements directory, add another check:

{{ (files | allDocs) and (files | match(regex=r/requirements\/.*\.txt$/) | nope ) }}


Return true if the input list includes only images based on file extensions.

Image file extensions are: svg, png, gif.

Argument Usage Type Description
- Input files The list of changed files with their path
- Output Bool true if all file extensions are of images
{{ files | allImages }}


Return true if the input list includes only tests based on the file's path and name.

To identify as test the file must include the word test or spec in its name or path, it is checked using this regex: [^a-zA-Z0-9](spec|test|tests)[^a-zA-Z0-9].

Argument Usage Type Description
- Input files The list of changed files with their path
- Output Bool true if all file tests are based on name and path
{{ files | allTests }}


When requesting a review for a pull request, it's important to select a reviewer who has a deep understanding of the relevant code area, the domain problem, and the framework being used. This ensures that the reviewer can provide specific and informed feedback, rather than general comments that may not take into account the context in which the issue was solved.

The filter provides the list of most qualified contributors based on git-blame and git-commit results to determine who has been most active in the relevant code area, and then combines this information into a score between 0 and 100. The commit activity is scored higher for recent commits, which ensures that those who are actively contributing to the codebase are given higher priority as potential reviewers. The result will be limited to 2 users and shall not include the PR author.

The output lists the Git provider users, e.g., GitHub users, which are mapped from the Git users included in the git-blame output. When gitStream cannot map the Git user to a Git provider user it will be dropped from the output list, hence the list may contain less than 100% of the lines.


The codeExperts filter function calls gitStream app API with the repo context to calculate the experts.

Argument Usage Type Description
- Input repo The repo context variable
lt Input Integer Filter the user list, keeping those below the specified threshold
gt Input Integer Filter the user list, keeping those above the specified threshold
- Output [String] Up to 2 users, sorted by best match first (it won't include the PR author)

For example:

      - true
      - action: add-reviewers@v1
          reviewers: {{ repo | codeExperts(gt=10) }}


Decode Base64 encoded string into an object. Encoded strings are formatted: "base64: <encoded_string>"

Argument Usage Type Description
- Input String Base64 encoded string prefixed "Base64: "
- Output Object Decoded objet
{{ "base64: SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=" | decode }} # Output: "Hello World"


Encode data into Base64 encoded string. When an encoded string is passed as input for add-comment, the action automatically detects and decodes it.

Argument Usage Type Description
- Input Object The input object to encode
- Output String (Base64) Base64 encoding of the object
{{ "Hello World" | encode }} # Output: "base64: SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ="


Returns the estimated review time in minutes based on an ML model. The model estimation is computed based on the PR metadata data (e.g. branch name, commits) and mainly by the number of additions and deletions for each type of change (Code, Data, Configuration, etc..)


The estimatedReviewTime filter function calls gitStream app API with the branch context to calculate the estimated review time value.

Argument Usage Type Description
- Input branch Branch meta data
- Output Integer the estimated time for review in minutes
{{ branch | estimatedReviewTime }}

The following files are automatically excluded from the estimated review time calculation.

File type Filter type Values
Data Extension ini csv xls xlsx xlr doc docx txt pps ppt pptx dot dotx log tar rtf dat ipynb po profile object obj dxf twb bcsymbolmap tfstate pdf rbi pem crt svg png jpeg jpg ttf
Data Regex .*dist/.*\.js$ .*public/assets/.*\.js$
Pipeline Regex .*ci\.yml$
Lock File Name Programming Language Package Manager
package-lock.json JavaScript npm
yarn.lock JavaScript Yarn
npm-shrinkwrap.json JavaScript npm
Pipfile.lock Python pipenv
poetry.lock Python Poetry
conda-lock.yml Python conda
Gemfile.lock Ruby Bundler
composer.lock PHP Composer
packages.lock.json .NET NuGet
project.assets.json .NET .NET Core
pom.xml Java Maven
Cargo.lock Rust Cargo
mix.lock Elixir Mix
pubspec.lock Dart/Flutter pub
go.sum Go Go modules
stack.yaml.lock Haskell Stack
vcpkg.json C++ vcpkg
conan.lock C++ Conan
ivy.xml Scala sbt/Ivy
project.clj Clojure Leiningen
Podfile.lock Swift/Objective-C CocoaPods
Cartfile.resolved Swift/Objective-C Carthage
flake.lock Nix Nix


You can also filter more files, using config.ignore_files.


Expects files and provide a list of all unique file extensions.

Argument Usage Type Description
- Input files The list of changed files with their path
- Output [String] List of all unique file extensions

For example, check that only one file type was changed:

{{ files | extensions | length == 1 }}


Available in GitHub only

This filter is currently availalbe only in GitHub

Get an object with a summary of the findings found by Jit scan. This filter is relevant only for repos that use Jit to scan PRs

The pr context includes all the reviews in the pull request, including the reviews written by the Jit bot, along with all the comments (conversations) to the review.

This filter reads and parses the reviews with Jit's findings, making them available for use inside the .cm file automations.

The output is an object of the following format:

  "vulnerabilities": [{
    "security_control": 'string',
    "type": 'string',
    "description": 'string',
    "severity": 'string',
    "summary": 'string'
  "metrics": {
    "HIGH": number,
    "MEDIUM": number,
    "LOW": number,
    "INFO": number

Argument Usage Type Description
- Input pr The pr context variable
- Output Object The object contains the summary of Jit's scan

Example of the filter output

  "vulnerabilities": [
      "security_control": "Static Code Analysis Js",
      "type": "Codsec.Javascriptnosql-Injection.Nosql-Injection",
      "description": "Putting request data into a mongo query can leadto a NoSQL Injection. Be sure to properly sanitize thedata if you absolutely must pass request data into a query.",
      "severity": "HIGH",
      "summary": "Jit Bot commands and options (e.g., ignore issue)"
      "security_control": "Secret Detection",
      "type": "Private-Key",
      "description": "Private Key",
      "severity": "HIGH",
      "summary": "Jit Bot commands and options (e.g., ignore issue)"
  "metrics": {
    "HIGH": 2,
    "MEDIUM": 0,
    "LOW": 0,
    "INFO": 0

Assign the output to a variable

jit: {{ pr | extractJitFindings }}

Add a label if Jit detected secrets in the PR

        - {{ jit.metrics.HIGH > 0 }}
        - action: add-label@v1
            label: "Vulnerable code!""


Available in GitHub only

This filter is currently availalbe only in GitHub

Get an object with a summary of the findings found by the SonarCloud scan. This filter is relevant only for repos that use SonarCloud to scan PRs

The pr context includes all the comments added to the pull request, including the comment written by the SonarCloud bot that holds a summary of its scan.

This filter reads and parses the comment with SonarCloud's scan summary and makes them available to use inside the .cm file automations.

The output is an object of the following format:

  "bugs": {
      "count": number,
      "rating": 'string' //('A'-'E')
  "code_smells": {
      "count": number,
      "rating": 'string' //('A'-'E')
  "vulnerabilities": {
      "count": number,
      "rating": 'string' //('A'-'E')
  "security_hotspots": {
      "count": number,
      "rating": 'string' //('A'-'E')
  "duplications": number,
  "coverage": number

Argument Usage Type Description
- Input pr The pr context variable
- Output Object The object contains the summary of SonCloud's scan

Example of the filter output

  "bugs": {
      "count": 1,
      "rating": 'B'
  "code_smells": {
      "count": 2,
      "rating": 'B'
  "vulnerabilities": {
      "count": 2,
      "rating": 'E'
  "security_hotspots": {
      "count": 0,
      "rating": 'A'
  "duplications": 3,
  "coverage": 70

Assign the output to a variable

sonar: {{ pr | extractSonarFindings }}

Add a label with the number of bugs if the bugs rating is other than 'A', and use mapToEnum to set its color

# Add Bugs label
      - {{ sonar.bugs.count > 0}}
      - action: add-label@v1
          label: '🐞 x {{ sonar.bugs.count }} Bugs'
          color: {{ sonar.bugs.rating | mapToEnum(enum = colors) }}

  A: '05AA02'
  B: 'B6D146'
  C: 'EABE05'
  D: 'DF8339'
  E: 'D4343F'


This filter helps to explain the results of rankByGitBlame, the output is in Markdown format that can be used in a PR comment.

The output lists the Git provider users, e.g., GitHub users, which are mapped from the Git users included in the git-blame output. Git users that could not be automatically mapped are marked with *. To map these users, you can add user_mapping see instructions here.

Argument Usage Type Description
- Input repo The repo context variable
lt Input Integer Filter the user list, keeping those below the specified threshold
gt Input Integer Filter the user list, keeping those above the specified threshold
- Output String Explaining rankByGitBlame results in markdown format


Each contributor's result is rounded down to the nearest integer, so the total may add up to less than 100%.

For example:

      - true
      - action: add-reviewers@v1
          reviewers: {{ repo | rankByGitBlame(gt=50) }}
      - action: add-comment@v1
          comment: |
            {{ repo | explainRankByGitBlame(gt=50) }}

Note the comment starts with | and a new-line as explainRankByGitBlame generates a multiline comment.


Return true if it's the author first commit in the repo.

Argument Usage Type Description
- Input repo.contributors List of contributors in the repo
- Input String The contributor name
- Output Bool true if its the first commit of the selected contributor
  - {{ repo.contributors | isFirstCommit( }}
  - action: add-comment@v1
      comment: "Welcome {{}}!"


Return true if all file diffs are validated as formatting changes. This filter function works for JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, JSON, YAML and HTML.

gitStream determines formatting changes by minifying the source code for the incoming changes and the existing code and comparing them. If they are identical, this filter function returns true. If any unsupported languages are contained in the PR, gitStream will return false.

Argument Usage Type Description
- Input source.diff.files List of file diffs
- Output Bool true if the all code changes are non functional
{{ source.diff.files | isFormattingChange }}


Get the enum value matches to the input key

Argument Usage Type Description
- Input String The key name
enum Input Enum Object The enum object to which the input string should be matched
- Output Object The value of the input key in the input enum object

For example, set a label color according to names in the enum:

       - true
      - action: add-label@v1
          label: 'Blue label'
          color: {{ "blue" | mapToEnum(enum = colors) }}

  red: 'FF0000'
  green: '00FF00'
  blue: '0000FF'
  yellow: 'FFFF00'


Checks diff for matching lines.

Argument Usage Type Description
- Input [Object] The list of objects
regex Input String Regex term to match with the input items, use \\ for \
ignoreWhiteSpaces Input Bool false by default, match a named attribute in the input object
caseSensitive Input Bool true by default, ignore case when matching terms
- Output [Bool] true for every matching object

For example, to check if all the changes are of adding prints and ignore white spaces:

{{ source.diff.files | matchDiffLines(regex=r/^\+.*console\.log/, ignoreWhiteSpaces=true) | every }}


Get list of contributors based on git-commit activity.

The repo context includes all the changed files, for each file it includes each contributor number of lines changed every week over the last 52 weeks, based on git-commit.

These functions compare each contributor changes per week and yield an average percentage of contribution for any given file. For example, in a certain week a file had 500 line changed, 200 by a first user, while 3 other users changed 100 lines each. So the score for the first user in that week will be 40 (200/500 in %). The function then average the score for each user for the selected time period.

Then you can use the thresholds to get the right reviewer.

Argument Usage Type Description
- Input repo The repo context variable
weeks Input Integer The number of last weeks to include
lt Input Integer Filter the user list, keeping those below the specified threshold
gt Input Integer Filter the user list, keeping those above the specified threshold
- Output [String] The list of users based on their code score comparison

Check if the branch author is a rookie

active_coders: {{ repo | rankByGitActivity(gt=50, weeks=12) }}


Get list of contributors based on git-blame results

The repo context includes all the changed files, for each file it includes the contributors' percentage of lines in the file, based on git-blame.

This function sums all these percentages per user and yield an average percentage of contribution. Then you can use the thresholds to get the right reviewer.

The output lists the Git provider users, e.g., GitHub users, which are mapped from the Git users included in the git-blame output. When gitStream cannot map the Git user to a Git provider user it will be dropped from the output list, hence the list may contain less than 100% of the lines.

Argument Usage Type Description
- Input repo The repo context variable
lt Input Integer Filter the user list, keeping those below the specified threshold
gt Input Integer Filter the user list, keeping those above the specified threshold
- Output [String] The list of users based on their code score comparison, sorted by rank - first has highest score

Example of the filter output, note the output are GitHub users in the example:


Get the most significant contributors for the PR files:

contributors: {{ repo | rankByGitBlame(gt=30) }}

Check if the branch author is a rookie

is_rookie: {{ repo | rankByGitBlame(lt=15) | match( | some }}


Reads the contents of a file from the current branch or the cm repo and returns it as a string.

Argument Usage Type Description
- Input String The relative file path in the current repo. Prepend ../cm/ to get files from the cm repo
output Input String The content type. Optional, txt by default. Allowed options are txt or json. When using json, the output will be returned as a stringified Object
- Output String The contents of the file as a String. In case of json output, the result will be JSON.stringified


Add a comment with a file's content:

      - true
      - action: add-comment@v1
          comment: |
            {{ README_CONTENT }}

README_CONTENT: {{ "./" | readFile() }}

Read JSON configuration file from the cm repo and use some of the properties in a comment:

      - {{ true }}
      - action: add-comment@v1
          comment: |
              We have {{ TEAMS | length }} teams with {{ TEAMS.front.members | length + TEAMS.back.members | length }} members in total:
              FrontEnd: include {{ TEAMS.front.members | length }} members
              BackEnd: include {{ TEAMS.back.members | length }} members

TEAMS: {{ "../cm/TEAMS.json" | readFile(output="json") }}

Configuration file example:

  "front": {
    "name": "Frontend",
    "description": "Frontend team",
    "members": [
  "back": {
    "name": "Backend",
    "description": "Backend team",
    "members": [